I suppose it was inevitable. In the total breakdown of civilization following atomic war, some people would decide that the best way to make a living is off the backs of other people. Literally.
Slavery is very much alive and well in the Capitol Wasteland, and nowhere is it more prominent than in the settlement known as Paradise Falls, home to the so-called Slaver's Guild. It seems that the flesh trade is quite lucrative in the post-war world. Captured slaves are kept in check in two ways: the harshness of the outside world and the explosives-equipped slave collar.
While I recognize that the slavers of Paradise Falls are simply trying to survive in their own way and that the usual rules of what we once considered morality no longer apply, I have to make some exceptions. The unwilling bondage of another human.. especially children.. it's unforgivable.
Some day I'm going to go back and kill them all. Some day soon. For now, I have to worry about finding my father. I pledge here and now, though, that should I meet a slaver wandering the wastes, they will die. No questions asked, no quarter given.
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