I came across a curious group of people. Outcasts, they call themselves, former members of the Brotherhood of Steel that has formed a splinter group dedicated to what they consider the "real mission:" the acquisition and reverse-engineering of technology.
It seems that not all of the Brotherhood agree with the idea that the local wastelanders are to be protected, and that the super mutants need to be eradicated. All these people are interested in is hoarding tech. They're not taking on new members, either. I'm not sure how I feel about them either way. Mostly, they just want to be left to their work, which is fine with me. Attempting to hide away pre-war technology and prevent people from using it, well, that's another story.
If you're interested in what they have to say, seek them out. They're holed up in a former military base known as Fort Independence, just a few hours' trek southwest of Megaton, just west of the ruins of the D.C. suburb known as Fairfax. They're pretty easy to spot, just look for the guys in black and red power armor. Just don't get in their way.
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