I wish I could say that this particular creature of the wasteland was the result of Man's tinkering with the natural order, but this is one of Mother Nature's gifts to her children following the bombs.
The Yao Guai is a breed of mutated bear. Larger, faster, and a hell of a lot meaner than its "normal" cousins, these are perhaps the most frightening thing you'll encounter in the wasteland, save for the Deathclaw or the super mutant behemoth. They're capable of sprinting at great speeds and their claws make a mockery of most armor. Thankfully, they aren't exactly quiet, so you can usually tell by the sound when one is nearby.
Like the Deathclaws, the Yao Guai rely on their speed and ferocity. If you can cripple their legs (i.e., by laying a mine in their path or using some sort of neurotoxin) then they can be dispatched with relative ease. This is definitely big game hunting though, kids, so don't bring a kitchen knife or a popgun if you plan on collecting a trophy. There's a reason the saying is "loaded for bear."
The name "Yao Guai" is Chinese, and simply means "monster." Apparently a few of the Chinese actually made it to the mainland during the war, and this was one of the first creatures they came across. Too bad for them.
Incidentally, the snapshot you see above is far, far closer than you should ever get to a Yao Guai. I still don't know how I survived.
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