The Enclave is something of a special circumstance out here in the Wasteland. This organization claims to be the surviving portion of the United States government following the Great War of 2077. From what I've been able to glean from bits and pieces of data left here and there inside some of their installations, the Enclave is made up mostly of the descendants of those government officials and employees that escaped the nuclear fires and hid offshore and in other locations. According to their records, they have a number of bases throughout what used to be the continental United States, and I can personally vouch that they have access to extremely sophisticated weapons and gear. Their leader is John Henry Eden, the self-proclaimed President of the United States of America. His voice can most often be heard giving one of his "inspirational" speeches on the Enclave Radio Network. They have floating "eyebots" deployed around the wasteland; these fragile floaters seem to be little more than mobile cameras and propaganda transmitters. The Enclave claims to be working to rebuild America, through just what agency I am unsure.
Now for some personal observations. These guys are bad news. The worst news. If you see any of them, my first inclination would be to hide out. Apparently they've decided that just about everyone who survived the war has been mutated by the residual radiation in the Wasteland and is therefore unfit to survive. They shoot on sight, don't ask questions, and tend to get really, really mad when you hack into their comm channels. If you manage to get the drop on one of them, don't hesitate to pull the trigger. The equipment they carry is top-notch stuff and will keep you going. If you have moral qualms about it, just remember this: They think you're an animal, fit only for slavery or death. Don't give them the chance to put you in shackles or in the dirt.
One more thing: These guys really hate the Brotherhood of Steel. If you find yourself in the company of their paladins for whatever reason, consider your back officially covered. I'll be talking about them next time.
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